Monday, 29 April 2013

Introducing Portable Solar Window Socket

This solar charger is obviously the first of its kind, considering its portability, convenience and easy use. It offers a neat way to harness solar energy and use it as a plug socket. So far we have seen solutions that act as a solar battery backup, but none as a direct plug-in. Simple in design, the plug just attaches to any window and does its job intuitively.

It can be used anywhere available to charge with solar energy such as on an indoor window in a place, car, ship or outdoors.
The solar energy supplied for charging is converted into electric energy through a converter. When charging is complete, you can use it anywhere electricity is needed.
According to the designers, Kyohu Song and Boa Oh, its intended to enable one use electricity freely and conveniently in a space restricted in the use of electricity such as in a plane, a car or outdoors. It is thus meant to draw out a socket used indoors outward. It is designed in such a way that it can be used without any special training.
It has solar panels behind which is used to charge with solar energy. The supplied solar energy is converted into electrical energy through a converter. The charger takes up to 5-8 hours to be fully charged and the socket could be used for up to 10 hours.

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