Sunday, 9 June 2013

Eat Right Tips: Think Beyond the Food

Eating green is really about limiting waste in one form or another, so why stop with the food? 

Here are three easy ways to waste less and save money:

1.If you drink bottled water, or carbonated beverages, look to your tap, a good filter and/or a home carbonation system, paired with a good reusable bottle.

2.Get cloth napkins and dishtowels, and stop buying paper napkins and paper towels. If you can't go without paper altogether, look for 100% post consumer recycled paper. Make your green switch complete by choosing napkins and hand towels made from recycled materials or a sustainable fiber like bamboo, jute or organic cotton.

3.Replace plastic storage containers with glass. Some kinds of plastics can leach Bisphenol A or phthalates, ingredients that have been shown to mimic hormones and which have been linked to several health concerns. Glass, if you can avoid dropping it, will last a lifetime. Think carefully about what your container is made out of when you use the microwave, since heating can also cause suspect chemicals to leach into food.

Pix: Annabelle Breakey / Getty Images

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